Grover’s Disease has no known cure.

No literature reported cure for GD.

No patent claims successful treatment or cure for Grover’s Disease.


Duration of GROVER’s Disease:

Most cases of Grover’s Disease last six to twelve months, which is why it was originally called “transient”. However it may last much longer, as literature suggests and become persistent. Literature: Study conducted on 21 patients in Switzerland   concluded that the long persistence of skin lesions suggested the term transient is inaccurate. (6)



First line of therapy of GROVER’s Disease


Therapy (but not cure just to manage symptoms) is topical and/or systemic steroids, retinoid and immunomodulators such as cyclosporine and methotrexate.


But because GD is often resistant to therapy, many treatment options were experimented with as shown below.


Several methods and medications were reported to improve but not heal the condition of GROVER’s Disease patients.


In all reports the number of cases was very limited and can be considered as isolated incidents and non-conclusive.




  • Red Light 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy: In one 45 years old patient, after 8 months the Photo- therapy reduced the pruritus and improvement in TAD lesions reported (1)


  • ETANERCEPT : (Enbrel, autoimmune medicine) One  55 years old patient, improvement in condition, but no cure (2)


  • Medium-dose ultraviolet A1 phototherapy reduced the number of lesions when it was applied on one 78 years old patient but no full elimination of the disease.(4)


  • Synthetic vitamin D3 analog, Tacalcitol (5)


  • Calcipotriol, a form of vitamin D ointment application of 3 weeks on an 84 years old patient showed significant clinical improvement. (9)(11)
  • Isotretinoin , treatment for severe acne shown improvement in 2 patients of the 3. the third patient experienced relapse. (13)